Pefecting newhire onboarding is essential for companies of any size. The template offered here provides a starting point for onboarding software engineers. You should hack on it and adjust it to fit the needs of your business.
dir /S *.ext
Find a file or folder in Windows Command Prompt
dir /X
Find out the short names of a folder or file under the current directory in Windows Command Prompt
On PowerShell its a bit more involved:
mklink <linkName> <target>
It is used to create a symbolic link in Windows Command Prompt. It is natively available in Windows Vista/2008+ (not in PowerShell or as an executable).
find ./ -name *.ext
Find a file or folder in Unix Shell
find /var/lib/docker/volumes/*_error-logs -name '*.log' -mtime +15 | wc -l
Count all the files of type log in directory /var/lib/docker/volumes/*_error-logs that are older than 15 days.
find /var/lib/docker/volumes/*_error-logs -name '*.log' -mtime +15 -exec rm {} \;
Delete all the files of type log in directory /var/lib/docker/volumes/*_error-logs that are older than 15 days.
del /s /q targetFolder\*
Remove all the files recursively from sub-folder as well as target folder in Windows Command Prompt
rmdir /s /q targetFolder
Remove all the files & folder recursively from sub-folder and at the end remove the target folder as well in Windows Command Prompt
grep -lir "some text" *
List all the files where “some text” is found, ignore case and search sub-directories recursively.
grep -lr "bulkInsert" ~/ --include "*.js"
search recursively through a specified location (in this case its ~/ which is the home directory) for any files that are of type .js and contain the string bulkInsert, pretty nice way to find lost things.
combine find and grep
ignore certain folders
look in package.json only
find case-insensitve matches to the word: commit
Lock a Mac running on Lion OS X
“To lock your screen quickly with fast user switching enabled, choose Login Window from the menu with your user name. Your applications will remain open and undisturbed, but your computer islocked.” You will find the “Login Window” immediately to the left of the Search (spotlight) Icon on the top right. Its your name that’s written to the left of this search icon and this name can be clicked to reveal the “Login Window” option. And that’s it, clicking it locks your mac.
diff -y /path/to/file1 path/to/file2
Lines unique to the first file are displayed with a greater than sign > at their start, while lines unique to the second file start with a less than sign <. You might also consider using the -y option to display the the two files in two columns…</i>” (Excerpt source)
Most, if not all, users will bookmark their favorite pages in any online application. One would be hard pressed to find folks that bookmark the login pages!
XAMPP is a great package to have for complete newbies in order to learn PHP-based website development. In one simple installation you can lay down the Apache Web Server, MySQL, PHP, Perl, phpMyAdmin etc. (an impressive list).
Since Derby is all about having a file-like database on your hard-drive, its generally a good idea to have one location on you development machine of choice, where you can place a derbynet folder for all your derby network access needs.