Since Derby is all about having a file-like database on your hard-drive, its generally a good idea to have one location on you development machine of choice, where you can place a derbynet folder for all your derby network access needs.

For example:

  • c:\apps\derbynet (win flavor)
  • /opt/derbynet (‘nix flavor)

Ok! But what should this general purpose folder contain? The files in this folder should be the ones from Derby’s lib package. You can also create something along the lines of the following files as the start and stop commands under the derbynet folder:

  • could contain the following lines:

      export CLASSPATH=/path/to/derby.jar:/path/to/derbytools.jar:/path/to/derbynet.jar:$CLASSPATH
      java org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl start -h <ip-address> -p 1527
  • could contain the following lines:

      export CLASSPATH=/path/to/derby.jar:/path/to/derbytools.jar:/path/to/derbynet.jar:$CLASSPATH
      java org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl shutdown -h <ip-address> -p 1527

And then you can call upon these scripts like so:

  • /opt/derbynet/ > derbynet.logs &
  • /opt/derbynet/

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