- Filtered Decks:
- To capture all the cards that were due within last
days while excluding any cards with thechem112
tag. Also excludes things that have been flagged red/1 or orange/1 as I personally use them to indicate cards that seem completely wrong or need improvements.# Due Today for review is:due prop:due=0 is:review -flag:1 -flag:2 # Due within last 3 days is:due prop:ivl<=3 -"tag:chem112" -flag:1 -flag:2 # Due within last 5 days is:due prop:ivl<=5 -"tag:chem112" -flag:1 -flag:2
- Intervals to help setup 3 different decks or filtered decks to study for upcoming tests and only graduating into anki’s hands once personal interests have been met.
# Deck for graduating cards on a Daily basis 1m 10m 2h 10h 1d max:3d # Deck for graduating cards on a Weekly basis 10m 1d 3d max:7d # Deck for graduating cards on a Bi-weekly basis 10m 3d 5d 7d max:14d
- To capture all the cards that were due within last
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