As of Feb 2019, episodes in the 13.x range on are the best resource, known to me, for learning: How to test components in Angular7.

But even after absorbing all that goodness, I still found it difficult to add tests in an existing project. Most of it had to do with watch ng test fail and then figuring out all the dependencies that were unaccounted for.

Here is a list of gotchas:

  • ng test will fail due to missing dependencies after you create a spec using tools that generate it for any existing component. Known tools: angular-spec-generator and ngx-spec
  • Complaints about ngModels? That comes from FormsModule so if the component being tested uses that then you inject it via imports: [FormsModule]
  • If you see complaints about missing HttpClient and/or HttpHandler, instead of configuring the providers:
      beforeEach(async () => {
          declarations: [...],
          imports: [],
          providers: [

    You should configure the imports:

      beforeEach(async () => {
          declarations: [...],
          imports: [
          providers: [...]
  • Complaints about mdbModal? That comes from MDBBootstrapModule so if the component being tested uses that then you inject it via imports: [MDBBootstrapModule.forRoot()]
  • For material-design-bootstrap, if you misconfigure it as imports:[MDBBootstrapModule] then you will see random errors like:
     Error: StaticInjectorError(DynamicTestModule)[ModalDirective -> ComponentLoaderFactory]: 
       StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[ModalDirective -> ComponentLoaderFactory]: 
         NullInjectorError: No provider for ComponentLoaderFactory!

    While the real issues is that it should be initialized with forRoot()

     beforeEach(async () => {
         declarations: [...],
         imports: [
           //MDBBootstrapModule // NO! NO!
           MDBBootstrapModule.forRoot() // YES
         providers: [...]
  • Complaints about routerLink?
    • Don’t use the combination ofimports:[RouterModule] and providers:[Router]
    • Use imports:[RouterTestingModule.withRoutes(routes)]
    • You can view CodeCraft episode 13.13 to watch this done the right way.
  • Complaints about zone or injector
      # can't find the zone dependency
      Failed: Zone is needed for the async() test helper
                but could not be found. Please make sure
                that your environment includes
      # testbed hasn't been initialized
      Failed: Cannot read property 'injector' of null

    Usually all of this is available in src/test.ts and used by ng test automatically … but is you use protractor as the entrypoint, then you must incorporate workarounds into e2e/protractor.conf.js file’s onPrepare() method somehow.

    • Relevant Stack Overflow posts
  • TBD…

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