1. Tweak how history is maintained in terminal because whether you are setting up you local 'nix machine or your remote one, having the terminal history configured properly is a great boon and best practice.
    • Quickie:
       export HISTCONTROL=erasedups
       export HISTFILESIZE=1000000
       export HISTSIZE=10000
       export HISTIGNORE="&:[ ]*:exit:clear:ls:cd:pwd"
    • A more thorough script for those so inclined.
  2. Remove touchpad gestures to avoid accidentally navigating backward/forward within Chrome
    • One Variation - Open terminal and run:
        defaults write com.google.Chrome AppleEnableSwipeNavigateWithScrolls -bool FALSE
    • If that doesn’t work then another Variation - Open terminal and run:
        defaults write com.google.Chrome.plist AppleEnableSwipeNavigateWithScrolls -bool FALSE
    • Credit for this solution goes to OSXDaily
  3. Show hidden files in Finder (macos, mojave, version 10.14.2):
     defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles YES
     killall Finder
  4. Setup nvm instead of installing node directly
    • Out of all the methods listed here, I preferred the one that uses npm-cache:
      $ nvm use 9
      Now using node v9.11.2 (npm v5.6.0)
      $ npm install -g npm-cache
      $ cd /path/to/yourProject
      $ npm-cache install
      [npm-cache] [INFO]
        using /Users/<username>/.package_cache
        as cache directory
      # You can also switch nodejs version
      # the npm-cache will become specific
      # to that version, as it should
      $ nvm use 11
      Now using node v11.8.0 (npm v6.5.0)
      $ npm install -g npm-cache
      $ cd /path/to/yourProject
      $ npm-cache install
      [npm-cache] [INFO]
        using /Users/<username>/.package_cache
        as cache directory
    • There may be some room for improvement by changing cache directory from /Users/<username>/.package_cache to the relevant nodejs version’s directory:
        $ ls ~/.nvm/versions/node/v11.8.0/lib/node_modules/
        .package_cache # hypothetical, I haven't done it yet
        $ ls ~/.nvm/versions/node/v9.11.2/lib/node_modules/
        .package_cache # hypothetical, I haven't done it yet
      • Ideas
        • ls -alrt ~/.nvm/versions/node/`nvm current`/.package_cache works in terminal
        • I tried
            npm-cache \
              install \
              --cacheDirectory ~/.nvm/versions/node/`nvm current`/.package_cache
        • It did NOT work, filed an issue here
  5. more to come

Open Questions

  • Using nvm and npm-cache together
    • There may be some room for improvement by changing cache directory from /Users/<username>/.package_cache to the relevant nodejs version’s directory:
        $ ls ~/.nvm/versions/node/v11.8.0/lib/node_modules/
        .package_cache # hypothetical, I haven't done it yet
        $ ls ~/.nvm/versions/node/v9.11.2/lib/node_modules/
        .package_cache # hypothetical, I haven't done it yet
      • Ideas
        • ls -alrt ~/.nvm/versions/node/`nvm current`/.package_cache works in terminal
        • I tried
            npm-cache \
              install \
              --cacheDirectory ~/.nvm/versions/node/`nvm current`/.package_cache
        • It did NOT work … filed an issue here

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