GitHub is an invaluable resource. Let’s take the example of trying to figure out “the unknown” when a framework such as LoobackJS is involved:

  • There are plenty of public projects that use loopback.
  • When in doubt, you can use code search to find syntax and other clues on how to perform certain tasks.
  • There are many ways to narrow down search results, the keywords from an API search also apply to what you type in the searchbox on github:
  • But keep in mind: Forked projects will not be searched by GitHub unless they have more STARS than their parent.
  • Need a code example for how to use findById in angular or client side? Search GitHub with keywords and search qualifiers::
  • Need to narrow down results further by a GitHub username of organization name?
  • It can even help you figure out how to configure a 3rd party dependency in LoopBack
    • For example, I wanted to use express-xml-bodyparser and started wondering if someone else had used it as a middleware in loopback before. parse was a phase in the middleware.json file where one might configure such a dependency. params was a standard way of providing input to the dependency being configured. I put all these keywords together with the fact that the configuration would happen in a JSON file and came up with a code search that helped me find the example code I wanted: express-xml-bodyparser parse params language:json
  • Sometimes there are just too many search results when looking for loopback code on the angular/client side. This may happen because loopback’s auto-generatedlb-services.js file, tends to contain many keywords. But you don’t want it to be searched! Well, you can exclude it. Look at the difference in the # of search results for the following code queries on github:
  • Looking to limit your code search to Angular or client side? Append the following qualifiers as part of your search:
    • path:/client
    • path:/client/app
    • path:/client/js
  • Looking to limit your code search to Models or Remote Methods? Append the following qualifiers as part of your search:
    • path:/common
    • path:/common/models
    • path:/common/models language:json
    • path:/common/models language:javascript
  • Here’s a bucket list of various other loopback keyword searches I’ve run to help myself:
    • Wanted to figure out how to setup paging in loopback server side scripts
      • skip limit path:/server/boot
    • Wanted to figure out how to use role resolver and loopback context together
      • registerResolver getCurrentContext
    • Wanted to figure out how to get at all the little extra metadata info that is hidden away in a Model
      • definition type language:javascript path:/common/models
    • findbyid user:strongloop language:javascript path:/client
    • app principal path:/common/models language:json
    • findone language:javascript path:/client user:strongloop
    • findone include filter path:/client
    • properties id type user:strongloop language:javascript
    • datasource type language:javascript path:/common/models
    • properties id type language:javascript path:/common/models
    • include relation language:javascript path:/client/app
    • create language:javascript path:/client/js user:strongloop
    • findById path:/client/js user:strongloop

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