
I have long wanted to highlight text and leave embedded/inline notes on webpages as I browse them. Google notes (later named google keep) was one such tool that never quite did the job. :unamused:

Today, on December 31, 2020, that fire was rekindled while learning anatomy on KenHub.

Polar had a nice feature where its chrome extension only clipped the highlighted text from the webpage into the polar repository but

  1. this was not inline, and
  2. clippings from the same page were not bundled together as one source, inside polar. They became two separate documents. :disappointed:

Technologies like Pocket and RevNote required taking a snapshot of the entire page before highlighting and/or note taking could begin. While this had the pro of not losing content when the webpage was altered; it also had the con of not having the webpage captured faithfully and/or not viewing the latest webpage when reviewing notes!

There were some purely chrome based extensions that looked clean and only stuck to live website insertions for highlights and notes. BUT they asked for so many high level privileges that given the recent uproars on the safety of note properly vetting tracking apps in chrome store, I couldn’t make the plunge to get any of them. :sob:

Written with StackEdit.